Keerthana Dass, Mission Dreams Miss India 2023 Finalist

Keerthana Dass, Mission Dreams Miss India 2023 Finalist

Beauty pageants considers beauty contests as a platform with a huge impact on women empowerment. The lives of the girls who take part receive a huge transformation, contestants acquire public speaking skills. The other thing is that this platform helps these young girls take on responsibility at an early age; they come up with projects that build our society.

Beauty contests have an impact on women empowerment to a certain extent. Even after the contest, the winner is given a chance to work on that project that helps the community at large. With those examples, we believe they have an impact on women empowerment.

Keerthana Dass, a 19 year old teen from Hyderabad, Telangana is set to participate in yet another season of Mission Dreams Miss India Beauty pageant.

The young girl answered a few questions that was asked by the internal Mission Dreams team. Below are the few answered questions by the contestant;

  1. Why do you think that you are the best candidate for this title

Answer: I think that I am the best candidate to win the title Because I stand ready to serve the be the best in all what I do. I am ready to take challenges and anything that comes ahead of me.

2. What makes you stand out from the other contestants?

Answer: Firstly every girl is unique in her own way and should never be afraid to showcase her capability. I might not be that tall or having a pretty look, but I believe we are all above that. All that matters is how you conduct yourself in public and what your values and beliefs are. I believe being confident in what I do makes me stand out of other contestants.

3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing young people today?

Answer: I think that the biggest problem young people are facing today is depression, social media addictions, drug, alcohol and academic problem. With a fear of expressing themselves in front of parents, friends or mentors so that they don’t get judged and taking a rather wrong way is leading to bigger problems that youth are proactively facing today.

4. Tell us about yourself.

Answer: I’m Keerthana from Hyderabad. I’m a classical and western dancer and currently pursuing my bachelor’s degree. From 8th standard I got interest in modelling and slowly it became my passion. I believe that be confident where you are and according to me style is the way to say who you are without having to speak.

5. Why did you decide to compete in this pageant?

Answer: The number one of a million reasons to enter this beauty pageant is to build self-confidence. Pageants promote goal setting and will truly inspire me to search my soul, think about the future and make a plan on how to get there. Sometimes, the pageant, itself, is a stepping-stone to achieving those goals.

Mission Dreams believes that beauty contests have an impact on women empowerment. It is one of the platforms where young women seek guidance regarding their career. This platform goes beyond beauty; these young girls get a chance to exploit their talent through the projects they develop. This platform can teach women to speak in public, thus boosting their confidence to assume positions in different places.

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