Sakshi Priya hails from Purnea, Bihar. She has recently participated in the Mission Dreams beauty pageant. Mission Dreams gives chance to hidden talents and brings up all the initiatives for women empowerment. Women empowerment does not come in one form, it comes in many forms. One thing can be considered to be empowerment for one woman but the other might not see how it can be considered as empowerment.

Therefore, Pageants are a platform for showcasing women’s empowerment, diversity, intelligence, and leadership. Women who take part in pageants have utilised the platform, and their own platforms, to empower other women, others have also used pageants as a way to advance their careers. Sakshi wants to utilise this platform to showcase her talent and intelligence. She wants to apply this achievement in uplifting the society.

Her hobbies are acting, dancing, and making videos. Her personality compliments her work and she is all set to mark her debut in the beauty pageant organised by Mission Dreams. Mission Dreams is looking forward to helping shape the view of women as more than looks, but rather as the intelligent, resourceful, and ambitious beings they have always been.