7 questions to Ratna seemakurthi, Finalist Mission Dreams Miss India 2020

7 questions to Ratna seemakurthi, Finalist Mission Dreams Miss India 2020

  1. Do you want to be a celebrity or Public figure ?

Ans – Yes, I want to be a Public figure.

2. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Ans – Smile, Independent, learner, balance and a little short tempered.

3. What makes you smile and what scares you the most?

Ans – Friends , family and fur babies make me smile.
I fear most about being cheated by con persons.

4. What would you like remembered about you?

Ans – The girl that listened to her heart rather than bounded by others thoughts.

5. Are you planning to be in any commercial movies?

Ans – Not yet but if I had a chance I would love to do it.

6. What’s the most special talent you have?

Ans – Crafts and horse riding.

7. Who inspired you and why ?

Ans – My mom because she was forced to stop schooling due to family circumstances but she let me and my sister completed my studies and being a fact we are from a orthodox family she never forced to us to do what society wants us to do.
My mom thought me how to become independent, strong,and listen to our hearts.
