Beauty is part of what people consider but there are also other values like culture and one’s intellect that the judges look out for in beauty pageants. I think people choose to misinterpret the relevance of beauty contests but their significance is evident to everyone. The girls that take part in these contests turn out to be responsible young women who engage in activities that build the nation.

Manisha Raturi, a contestant participated in the Mission Dreams Miss India 2023, answered few questions in the Interview conducted by Mission Dreams.
- Why do you think that you are the best candidate for this title.
Answer: In this World where people are Being discriminated based on their religion, race, caste, gender, economic background and their intelligence we need someone who can see good in the worst, we know the problem but finding solutions and then implementing that solution is the key. This all needs to be done by a rational person. I am someone who is an introvert, means I speak less but when I do I try to be Cautious of others feeling and situations. I understand people’s problems better.
I respect that every person is a result of the experiences they had, above all the differences and problems humanity is what connects us all. Because of my behavior I believe that I am the best candidate for this title.
2. What makes you stand out from the other contestants?
Answer: Learning is a first job and balanced implementation is other that’s my Moto. I know how important it is to give students sex education. I tutor student as a part time job and I never hesitate to teach them importance of sex education. I speak less but when do I try to be sensible and considerate of others. I have earned my character and I would love to utilize this for the good of people.
3. Talk about a few of your accomplishments, challenges you’ve overcome, and/or traits about yourself that make you good for the role.
Answer: Having an intelligent big brother has Made me competitive in nature. I have always tried to make myself better than him. Even in school I have been below average student despite that I have always worked hard to improve myself and ultimately I managed to be one of the best student in my class and my name was mentioned in newspaper for securing first rank in tenth standard. I improved myself by participating in every single activities be it debate competition, play, dance or drawing competition. Speaking in public and expressing my opinion has been a challenge to me, it never stopped me from trying and achieving what I wanted. My accomplishments are my versatile talent as I can dance, draw sketches, write poems/stories and so much more.
4. What celebrity do you idolize?
Answer: My idol is Emma Watson. I have admired her ever since I watched “Harry Potter”. She is what I have always wanted to be. Once I was asked what do you want to become in future I replied,” A good person” Because being a good Person is the Hardest things that can be done. And she is someone who is an embodiment of being good, she teaches me that if you want to do good, doesn’t matter even if are in entertainment industry you will always find a way to do what you want.
5. What do you think is the biggest problem facing young people today?
Answer: Biggest problem the youth is facing is in expressing their emotions. Every person wants to be happy and successful. But we as a youth are so much burdened and under pressure of achieving this, that we are cutting ourselves from family and society. We are keeping things in ourselves and find it hard to express, even though we know that expressing our concern can help. Other than this the pressure makes us rude and we use fowl language or misbehave, this creates a problem to us and people around us. I think parents and teacher should provide an atmosphere where children can express their flaws without being judged or looked down upon.

Mission Dreams believe that beauty pageants are channels of various public campaigns or behaviour change, the fact that these girls get a chance to be part of this, places women at the forefront of building our country. Beauty contests have an impact on women empowerment because they give a platform for the girls to be heard on different levels, and most importantly, it places them in leadership and mentorship roles.