With many more girls bringing home several global awards, and Indian women making a mark for themselves in several other fields over the years, today we accept the achievements of our women with quiet pride. Global standards of beauty have undergone a sea change over the years, and beauty pageants are no exception. The criteria to win is not just looks, but a fit body, an all-round personality, spoken skills and inner depth.
They are groomed physically, mentally and emotionally, and their innate skills honed. A pageant is a talent or a personality contest where beauty is just one of several criteria — you need a combination of communication skills, stage presence and personality. This is like other contests, which have their relevant criteria — an Olympic athlete must be a fast runner; in a weightlifting competition you need a fit body with amazing muscles, and in a dance competition you require mind blowing dance moves and coordination.

One such contestant we came across in the Mission Dreams beauty pageant 2022 under Mrs. Category is Mrs. Mehak Suri, she was crowned as the “First Runner Up under Mrs. Category”. An army brat, who possess a a unique subculture and integral identity of her own. Her childhood and adolescence was immersed in military ethos and national cultural environ and therefore, she truly hails and represents the whole of India.
Mehak in an interview reveals, “A chequered school career and a state wise exposure has seasoned me with all or more ethnicity of the Indian culture and heritage than most. War and tough times’ family’s stresses have made me mentally strong to tide over challenges of the present day world. I am a management professional with a keen interest in travelling, adventure sports and modelling. I am an eternal optimist, sensitive, empathetic and self conscientious woman.”

Mehak further says, “Mission Dreams has enabled me to discover the best version of me with the desired x factor by systematic exposure, dedicated grooming and my own path to name and fame. Interaction with the celebrities and the supermodels has humbled me, grooming my self at par with the world class has taught me many a lesson, both on stage and behind the scenes. Overall, I have come out wiser and wealthier with a sea of information and experience. I have learnt well the tricks of the trade and I look forward for more enriching experiences with Mission Dreams. Mission Dreams is a fantastic and larger than life platform which has given me the impetus to pitch my dreams and aspirations in a totally new world of super divas and amongst superstars.”
The best-looking girls do not necessarily win the pageant most of the time. The winner is the girl who has an all-rounded personality, confidence, and communication skills. She needs these qualities because she will have to deal with the media and give speeches on many occasions across the world. We at Mission Dreams expect our winners to be outspoken and knowledgeable about current affairs. The popularity of our pageant has increased manifold. The number of applicants today is far more than we used to get back when we started 4 years back.
The Mission Dreams beauty pageant are successful women who strive to be better individuals, voice their opinion, and speak out on behalf of the society to spread the message to the society at an array.”