Miss Classy Shweta Maskare from Mission Dreams

Miss Classy Shweta Maskare from Mission Dreams

Shweta Maskare, a 20-year-old student preparing for NEET & also preparing for her passion which is Modelling. She participated in the virtual beauty pageantry organized by Mission Dreams, to showcase the hidden talents of Women in India. Mission dream is a platform where every girl can make a name and her independent world for herself.

Shweta spoke to us after winning the title. She says: “I felt very proud after receiving the title, it gave me new opportunity, this is the first competition I ever won and it just gave me a lot of happiness and popularity. Nowadays mostly people have some insecurities, I used to be insecure about my height and many more but this platform helped me to overcome my insecurities and gave me the confidence to tackle with various issues and helped me to become a better version of myself . I’m growing and glowing day by day as now I know that I’m sufficient and worth everything I want!

“I learned that everyone has the ability to be a great leader, that even the girl that was depressed has the ability to bring smiles to people’s faces and the ability to make a difference. I learned to embrace my talents and gifts and not let others stomp around me…. I have become… strong, brave, resilient and ready to conquer the world”., she added.

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