7 questions to Shainaz Ansari, Finalist Mission Dreams Mrs India 2020

7 questions to Shainaz Ansari, Finalist Mission Dreams Mrs India 2020

1.Do you want to be a celebrity or Public figure ?

Ans –I would luv to become celebrity as well as public figure, to stand out from the crowd representing myself in my own unique personality & aura. The desire to be valued globally the key is fame & status gives us power & as a celebrity people look upon as a role model where I can take this opportunity to work for the betterment of society & mankind especially for women globally..

2.How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Ans –I am Optimistic, & strong believer in Almighty’s Plans & Miracles .
I am Creative & innovative love to try new things
Vagabond by nature loves travelling & music
Extrovert loves making friends
Adventurous loves taking challenges .

3.What makes you smile and what scares you the most?

Ans –Smile on my parents & kids faces brings instant smile on my face,
Making someone happy by helping them brings smile on my face,
I m always in love with nature , greeneries, mountains flowers , sun, cool breeze & seawaves etc uplifts my mood & makes me smile & happy &
Fear of losing near & dear ones scares the most.

4.What would you like remembered about you?

Ans –I would loved to be remembered as strong optimistic woman, who stood by myself & never gave up my dreams..
As a person of integrity prepared to take up challenges for standing up for my values and principles.

5.Are you planning to be in any commercial movies?

Ans –Offcourse if I get an opportunity I wud luv to give chance to my acting talent.

6.What’s the most special talent you have?

Ans –I am nature lover relates everything with nature
Drawing, painting & singing
I am good chef & can make best recipes with the left over.
I am always a student ready to learn & adapt new things
Innovative, I make my own style &
I Makes frnds v fast.

7. Who inspired you and why ?

Ans –Nautre , my parents & siblings inspires me a lot & they are my strength .
The beauty found in nature inspires me. When I look outside, I am overtaken by the majesty of everything that I see around me. The trees, with their tall trunks and long branches, inspire me to have a strong center and to reach out to others. I stand tall regardless of the weather of life.
My mom inspires me for being firm & strong in her decisions & positive thgts facing challenges & still going strong & standing by every one reaching out for the help of the needy person..
My father is my guide and give me the courage to battle… My mother always smiles, no matter what the circumstances are and that gives me the strength and inspiration to see brighter side of everything & full of gratitude.
I am Inspired by Sun , It takes twelve hours to overcome the darkness and start a new day with a bright sunshine.

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