Breaking the stereotypes- Mission Dreams Miss India Historic 1st runner up- Jhnanitha!!

Breaking the stereotypes- Mission Dreams Miss India Historic 1st runner up- Jhnanitha!!

Speaking to Jhnanitha, She has so many wonderful things to share about her life and share her Pageantry experience with us. Let us have a look into what she has to say for some interesting questions asked to her:

1. Did you planned to join the modelling industry since your childhood, what would you like to share with us from your childhood days?

Answer: During my childhood I was too shy and more focused on studies . At the age 6 I joined karate classes, this started making me seek attention on other co curricular activities and made me explore. I won black belt in karate, joined kathak classes where I clear my junior Exam. Suddenly there was a small drive which made me more curious on modelling. Those photographs, walks made me more excited. After completing my senior secondary education I approached a training academy, got trained and became one of the crew member. Miss Teen Pearl City International 2017 was the 1st pageant I won and it was one of the most memorable event that could ever happen in my life.

2. Did you ever face criticism for joining the modelling world? If yes, how did you break the stereotype?


Being born to an orthodox Hindu family, I found it difficult to continue in the stream of modelling. People used to mock & gossip behind my back, though I was successfully chasing my goals and my dreams, I felt it so hard to digest and got frustrated, it’s because in some people think modelling is all about exposing, losing virginity and so on.
This made me take a gap, I was really demotivated and felt a lot insecurity. But to the fact those are all not true. On the verge of quitting, That’s where I made my mind, I just wanted to prove that modelling is not what they think, it’s about dreams, it’s a platform where you showcase your talent, where you set an example to people and become a role model to the upcoming youth.

3. Who is your inspiration?

Answer: I used to read Magazines, and would look at the pictures of these women who looked so powerful, I really admired kendall Jenner, I wanted to be like her.
Kendall Jenner is my inspiration, her style, her presentation drives me crazy.

4.Do you have any other achievements you have won?

Answer: When I won black belt in karate and joined kathak classes, suddenly there was a small drive which made me more curious on modelling. Those photographs, walks made me more excited. After completing my senior secondary education I approached a training academy, got trained and became one of the crew member. Miss Teen Pearl City International 2017 was the 1st pageant I won and it was one of the most memorable event that could ever happen in my life. After that I completed my graduation in Bachelor of Pharmacy and along with it started chasing my dreams. It was really hard, it had been been 3 years since my last pageant, I had to get back my motivation, confidence and I really worked hard. The year 2020 was the year where the 1st step towards my goal was achieved, won the Title of Miss Manipal 2020 1st runner up.

5. How did you come to know about Mission Dreams?

Answer: I found this wonderful platform on social media while I was scrolling my feed, this platform helped me express my talent, a platform which gave me a chance to prove what I wanted to and cruise towards my dreams.

6. How did Mission Dreams help you bring out your confidence back?

Answer: After I participated in MISSION DREAMS Miss India Historic 2021, this pageant was the turning point in my life. 24th February 2021 was the day I was crowned for the title of MD MISS INDIA HISTORIC 2021 1ST RUNNER UP. I was so proud of myself and all my hard-work and struggle paid me on that day. This helped me a lot to prove what I am, show my potential and helped me to change the mindset that some people had about modelling.

7. Any one whom you admire from the Mission Dreams team?

I really admired Priya Ma’am who is a true inspiration to a lot of women and would like to thank her for giving me this wonderful opportunity. And also would like to thank all the mentors who groomed me well and helped to get out the spark within me.
This is the even the right opportunity to thank my parents who stood like my back bone and supported throughout this journey no matter how hard it was.

8. Message that you want to give to your readers?

Answer: A small message to the girls , it doesn’t really matter how attractive you are or what’s your colour. What really matters is how confident you are. Be confident, be bold and most importantly be YOURSELF that’s what makes the difference. Keep your goal to be something big because at least you will reach closest to it. You need to be out of the box to achieve something big and It’s never to late to do something. Go ahead and All the best.

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