Aishwarya Manna, Mission Dreams Miss India 2023 Finalist

Aishwarya Manna, Mission Dreams Miss India 2023 Finalist

1.Do you want to be a celebrity or Public figure ?

Yes , because to be a celebrity it will be a stepping stone to me, that anything I wanted to do! I get a chance to influence people’s thought, mind and action.which is the biggest power or more and if I able to do that, it will help people to know what their rights are, what they can be , what the best they can be. If I become a celebrity many opportunities will rise and then it will be easier to me for stand by people, to become a voice of many.

2.How would you describe yourself in 5 words?


3.What makes you smile and what scares you the most?

when I share a cup of tea with my made and talk with her, that make me smile the most. Actually after doing soo many of house- hold works with a tired face , when she smiles to see me with a cup of tea for her that make me very happy
*I’m a very practical person. Fate and Destiny is not under my Hand , so

I don’t scare of anything even loosing my own people. So, I always think What ever will happen I have to accept it.
In Sanskrit one slok is there….
” Chakrabrta parivartantya , Dukhanicha/Sukhanicha”
Which I believe the most .

4.What would you like remembered about you?

First time for my country when I own medal in Commonwealth games karate championship 2022 which was held at Birmingham in England. Because always I want to make my country proud, which I remembered the most about me, that feeling was totally different to see our flag on the top in British country! That country who had ruled our India more than 200 years!

5.Are you planning to be in any commercial movies?

Yes, obviously with my all efforts, hardwork and blessings of my family and brother, the day shouldn’t be soo far away,when people will see me in movie with my concept about women empowerment! Every women should know that they are unbeatable!

6.What’s the most special talent you have?

The most special talent, I have that is dance , I’m a classical and semi classical dancer for 13 years as well as fitness freak! I do gym every day, I used to lift weights, and love to do CrossFit!! The speciality I have that is I have team spirit.

7. Who inspired you and why ?

“My family “
I have a small nuclear family..

  • I inspired by my father who always stand behind my back and always tell me to never look back, because many people will come and demotivate you, but never listen to them!! Stay focus on your goal.. Because if your back is strong then only you can be the back strength of more people!!
  • My mother taught me to never give up and stay patient.she always tell me 99%is in your hand 1 % is fate!!! Sooo, never think about the result, just do your work and give the best. Don’t compet with anyone! Everyday you try to find out the better version of yourself! Then you will become unbeatable.

My brother

The most important part of my life.But unfortunately now he is not with us.But before he left the world,he told me once,”Didi, you are a free bird ! Some people will be there to pull your legs! Cut your feather.. but you never let them do that! Remember ‘Sky is your limit ‘ so, always fly high

These 3 person are the most important part of my life, who always inspired me, still inspiring me at every step of my life. Without there blessings I’m just nothing even whatever I have done for my country just because of their inspiration and blessings.

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