Chahat Sen Mission Dreams Miss India 2023 Semi Finalist

Chahat Sen Mission Dreams Miss India 2023 Semi Finalist

1.Do you want to be a celebrity or Public figure ?

I want to become a celebrity.

2.How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

beautiful , creative mind, talented, different , simple and sensitive.

3.What makes you smile and what scares you the most?

The people whom I love a lot, whom I am afraid of losing, those people live near me and are happy with me, then I am very happy.

4.What would you like remembered about you?

I always want to help needy people , if we can give our helping hand than in future may be they can remember u for your good work nd they can inspire by you nd they can give their helping hand to others .

5.Are you planning to be in any commercial movies?

No, I am not ready for the movie at all.

6.What’s the most special talent you have?

modelling ,Acting,dance,and creative arts.

7. Who inspired you and why ?

Actually in reality my sister supports me a lot, she understands, shows me the right path and always supports me.

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