Arpita Kundu Mission Dreams Miss India 2023 Semi Finalist

Arpita Kundu Mission Dreams Miss India 2023 Semi Finalist

1.Do you want to be a celebrity or Public figure ?

It is difficult to choose one of them. But if I had to choose, at first I would like to be a public figure, work on myself, upgrade my skills and keep exploring the opportunities that comes next.

2.How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Confident, unique, hardworking , versatile, rational.

3.What makes you smile and what scares you the most?

Communicating with others to create a sense of well being and uplifting their mood makes me smile.
My biggest fear is not being able to live the life I have forever desired.

4.What would you like remembered about you?

I would like to be remembered as a strong and determined woman and set an example for others that if I can do it then you can too.

5.Are you planning to be in any commercial movies?

Yes, I would like to explore every possible opportunity and improve myself as a rising model.

6.What’s the most special talent you have?

My special talent is my high endurance towards any particular task.

7. Who inspired you and why ?

My Mom is my inspiration. She has always encouraged me to believe in myself and one thing she has always said that ‘in any situation or any work you do, give your best in it and God will take care of the rest.’

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