Tabasoom Shaikh has become a finalist in the Mission Dreams Beauty Pageant Miss India 2021. Mission dreams is organizing this event in association with the NGO Habitat for humanity India. Women who take part in pageants have utilized the platform, and their own platforms, to empower other women, others have also used pageants as a way to advance their careers.

Mission Dreams is inspired from different international pageants that have changed the game altogether. Pageants also have prizes which can change lives — at some pageants, like Miss Universe and Miss America, winners receive scholarships that could help them further their education.

Finalist Tabasoom says, “I belong to the sky because aviation gave me wings to fly ! Yes i am a cabin crew by profession, my name is Tabasoom Shaikh, I was born in the state of Karnataka and my family got settled in Mumbai where my father has a whole selling business and my mother is a housewife, life is not easy and you have to work hard to achieve your goals, I am ambitious and determined the reason why I worked hard to became a cabin crew, I started with Indigo Airlines and now I am working with Oman Air, I was working and studying to finish my graduation and still I am pursuing my MBA. I I remember I was only 17 years old when I started my first job wherein I was working in telly company and my salary was only 3500 INR per month and now I am a fashion model in Oman and a Cabin Attendant. Journey wasn’t easy for me to come all the way from Mumbai to Oman and I believe ,”It doesn’t matter where you come from, it matters what You are and what you can be” always believe in yourself. I need your support , your love and blessing to achieve my dream to become miss India.”

Mission Dreams believes that the most important thing we should be teaching young girls today is leadership. It’s something that has been lacking in young girls and women for a very long time, not because we don’t want to, but because of what society has labelled women to be.”