Urwas Jaiswal is 29 years old. She is a Mother of 1 year baby Boy. She holds the title of Mrs. West Bengal’2019 and Mrs. West Bengal International’2020.
Her Hobby is Dancing, Designing and she loves creativity. Urwas is not only Stubborn for her dreams but she is also a Lady with higher Goals. She calls her mom as her source of Inspiration. Coming from a business oriented family and married to a business man she is quite prolonged to the mindsets of a business man. Urwas says, “From a very young age I have seen my parents working hard to achieve their goal and provide me with the best of everything.

At the age of 5 she started her career as a modelling with ad shoots for big brands like KC PAUL, MDH Masala ,Jelly belly, Haldiram’s, TIBRE WORLD and many more.
She went on to participate in reality shows like Boogie Woogie, Kya Masti Kya Dhoom, DID and more. She has also represented her Country “INDIA” in Singapore Jungle Safari. Urwas at age of 5years won her 1st prize in Dancing not only that she was also a culture head in her school for dancing activities, apart from that she bagged a gold medal in classical dancing. She has completed MOD in western Dance as well as diploma in Contemporary, creative, dandia and pole dancing.
Urwas also holds approx. 30 different titles in different fields and has also got her name featured in The “Guinness Book of World Records” for being the only girl named “Urwas” in the world. She is always looking up to taking new challenges and proving her worth with grace and dignity.
Her designs has been showcased by Manish Malhotra in the Goa festival.

She says, “I am really Glad that I got this break to be a finalist in this Web series(Reality show) by Mission Dreams. And I just want to explore more as I want to be a “Mother next door” for my Baby. I have achieved a lot and have a lot more to achieve yet. My Goal is to “Inspire Women So They Don’t Get Expired By Time”.

Further Urwas adds, “Marriage is definitely not a full stop, there is always a way when you have to stand for alone and firm yourself, speak and Believe”.
Once you do this your family will definitely support for you. Lets see what more exciting things I get to see and explore and I can say that I am definitely a “God’s Blessed Child.”