Shweta Shinde hails from Virar, Maharashtra. She has recently taken part in the Miss India contest organised by Mission Dreams Beauty Pageant.
Shweta says, “Beauty contests have always been a subject of controversy. I want to change the way people look at these contests. People are of the view that beauty pageants pose a challenge to women as they subject themselves to judgment based on their physical appearance.

Shweta believes these pageants have a serious role to play in empowering women. She is very passionate about modelling c=since her childhood and says that it gives perspective towards life.

“Beauty is part of what they consider but there are also other values like culture and one’s intellect that the judges look out for. I think people choose to misinterpret the relevance of beauty contests but their significance is evident to everyone. The girls that take part in these contests turn out to be responsible young women who engage in activities that build the country”, she added.

She dreams and holds the capability to ascertain what her dreams are about. She knows how to fight for it. Shweta thanks Mission Dreams for giving her this chance by believing in her strengths.