Kanchan Tanaji Yamgar is a finalist in the Mission Dreams Annual Beauty Pageant. As a mass media student modelling line was something different for her but she was very passionate for the same. She likes to create and build new things in herself.
She says, “Beleive in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, capable of more than you imagine.”
She hails from the city of dreams Navi Mumbai, Juinagar. As she says, Kanchan was very laid back in her school days and hardly took part in any event. But after getting into the mass media college, she got new perspective and she actively takes part in all the ongoing events and cultural events that are organised in college.

Kanchan is fond of clicking pictures and loves to capture every moment of her. She wants to bring a change in the society by taking part in the beauty contest. She says, “Beauty contests have always been a subject of controversy. Some see them as platforms used to demean women by portraying them as ‘objects’. Others are of the view that beauty pageants pose a challenge to women as they subject themselves to judgment based on their physical appearance.

“Beauty is part of what they consider but there are also other values like culture and one’s intellect that the judges look out for. I think people choose to misinterpret the relevance of beauty contests but their significance is evident to everyone. The girls that take part in these contests turn out to be responsible young women who engage in activities that build the country,” she says.
She says beauty contests have an impact on women empowerment because they give a platform for the girls to be heard on different levels, and most importantly, it places them in leadership and mentorship roles.

Beauty pageants are channels of various public campaigns or behavior change, the fact that these girls get a chance to be part of this, places women at the forefront of building our country. Mission Dreams is a platform that avails young girls with numerous opportunities, where they can showcase their talent and inner strength and be an inspiration to all the women.