Beauty contests have always been a subject of controversy. Some see them as platforms used to demean women by portraying them as ‘objects’. Others are of the view that beauty pageants pose a challenge to women as they subject themselves to judgment based on their physical appearance. But looking deeper, could there be more to these pageants? Is there a prospect that beauty contests could actually have a role to play in empowering women? Mission Dreams beauty pageants believe these pageants have a serious role to play in empowering women.
Beauty contests have an impact on women empowerment because they give a platform for the girls to be heard on different levels, and most importantly, it places them in leadership and mentorship roles.
Sushmita Bhanja is One such talent who has participated in the beauty pageant and is all set to voice herself. In a short interview with her, she has described herself an an individual and an upcoming inspiration to many. Let’s read:

1) What’s your passion, your achievements, your aim?
Answer: The thing that I’m passionate about is modeling n dancing. It allows me to blend my personal interests and passions with my career.
My achievements: I am a professional model and an Odissi International dancer.
My Aim is to be a successful doctor, pageantry model, & to be a good actress. I want to feed the street dogs and provide shelter to all those people who lack food and shelter.
2. Why you want to be an actor?
ANSWER: I am also absolutely fascinated with psychology: how the brain works, how behavior develops, what a personality even means. People and the way they behave is so interesting, and I want to understand it, and comment on it in an artistic way. I want to be an actor because I want to tell stories.
3. When did you discover your love of acting? When did you decide to pursue it?
ANSWER: It was among my wishes and dreams as a kid: actor, secret agent, super hero, gun-fighter and etc. I was in my first play when I was in the 5th grade and I discovered that drama might be something I might be good at so I pursued it all though high and middle school. And now since I am participating in the beauty pageant, only because I see further more about acting.

4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
ANSWER: In the next 5 years I want to see myself as a successful doctor in my own hospital, a successful model, and a good actress.
5. What are those 5 interesting facts about you that people should know?
ANSWER: I am always on time- Punctual, I am dedicated towards my work, hardworking and graceful and that I take up everything confidently.