Martial Artist by Passion- SAMRIDHI BAHUGUNA, Mission Dreams Finalist

Martial Artist by Passion- SAMRIDHI BAHUGUNA, Mission Dreams Finalist

SAMRIDHI BAHUGUNA, a 19 year old girl who is passionate about modelling and a national champion of karate and kickboxing.

She says, “My motto in life is to be a “A WARRIOR QUEEN” A beauty that knows how to fight against all bad. I want to motivate all girls to fight for themselves, to be beautiful and strong.

I hail from Dehradun, Uttarakhand a city surrounded by hills. Born near the Himalayan foothills I consider myself as the daughter of Himalayas.

Born in a middle class family, faced obstruction but overcame them and became a martial artist. Now, I want to pursue my dream of becoming miss India.

I consider beauty as unleashing your hidden talent and natural inner beauty. Whatever be your shape and size just be confident cause you are the queen of your life, accept yourself, improve yourself keep working on yourself unless the world knows you are the best.

By winning miss India I want to be a motivation for those girls who are hiding their talents still afraid to stand up for themselves. I want to tell each girl ” be beautiful and keep fighting “

Beauty Fashion