Cinnamon Bakery-Kolkata, All about your satiating your darkest fantasies

Cinnamon Bakery-Kolkata, All about your satiating your darkest fantasies

The name does full justice to the place as it’s all about your satiating your darkest fantasies involving food and cinnamon! You’ll love the variety of cakes here and more than that you will keep coming back for the cute customized cakes for sure. Since it’s primarily a cake shop, we won’t go into the ambiance details but yes, the cakes here are sure worth your money.     

There are plenty of variations and you will find awesome options for children too so you can get your cake customized as well. 

You will surely love the variety of cakes with the divine, rich taste that the Cinnamon bakers never compromise with. 

Cinnamon Bakery is plain one place you must visit if you are out on the quest for the best cakes ever in Kolkata.  

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