“BEAUTY IS BEING COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR OWN SKIN “ Says Ritu Manwani- Participant Mission Dreams Beauty Pageant

“BEAUTY IS BEING COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR OWN SKIN “ Says Ritu Manwani- Participant Mission Dreams Beauty Pageant

Ritu Manwani is a Beauty Queen with Economic Growth as passion.

Her day starts by being in the arms of her MUM and then looking through her window for my birdie friends – the tiny winged angels..

Ritu is a Management student, aspiring to become a young entrepreneur, who not only can raise her own living but support to create more young business women in our country.

She believes a family is that ‘umbrella’ whose value is not realized until the stormy clouds loom over you. But, when you look up with a hope that someone will come to your rescue, the first silent approaching steps will be of your family members. “I’m a part of a joint family where I have been taught to respect, Love and care . In a joint family one gets education beyond books, One becomes Socially Adept, you learn the art of sharing . There will be feuds, compromises, sacrifices, but at the end of the day, you will have a lot more people to depend on.” she added.

Ritu further adds, “As far as my hobbies are concerned I love to dance, listen to music and experimenting with art and craft is what I love doing in my free time. I’m a person who loves children a lot and thus I engage myself with them. I believe that power of education and knowledge is going to the best tool for young generation to fight any challenges – especially pandemic like Covid 19. I indeed, started engaging young children by taking Tuitions and help them grow into there capabilities . I am a great believer in “ Hardwork , Talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything.” I’m a person who’s driven by passion and I believe that with focused hard work and determination nothing in this world is impossible.

Her strength includes confidence, positive outlook towards different circumstances and ability to bring constructive changes to life. As every coin flips another side she has weaknesses too, “I overthink a lot well even that is hypothetically a strength because I never leave any area overlooked.” she added.

She calls her mother to be the greatest source of inspiration to her. Mothers are one of the first indications of the sovereignty of God in our lives.
Ritu says, “My mother has been the greatest influence in my life. She taught me how to be independent, how to make strong family connections, and how to set goals to become a strong woman. Through positive and negative times growing up, I have used every experience as a life lesson, and something to grow from. My mom has always taught me that the real secret of life is to be completely engaged with what you are doing And instead of calling it work, realize it is play , and just have fun around with pure heart.”

Each contestant competing for the title is brilliant. Since, we all came from different regions in India, we all had our own strengths. “I am a woman of many hats. You might find me wearing a chefs hat as a home baker, Other days, you may catch me in a Makeup Artist’s hat since I love to boost confidence of people by magical brushes and sometimes you may look up at my tutors hat as I help children to grow in the life circle with education . The most fun hat that I love is a pageant crown, because serving others while getting beautiful is also my love. Mission Dreams Miss India is not only a platform where I can cherish myself but to voice my opinion and break a stereotype that beauty is what you see. For me beauty resemblance the inner soul, the heart which tries to be oneself!” she added.

One Message that she gives for the readers is “BEAUTY IS NOT WHAT YOU SEE , BEAUTY IS LOVING YOURSELF , APPRECIATING YOURSELF AND MOST IMPORTANTLY BEING COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR OWN SKIN “. And we at Mission Dreams applaud her thought and provide her this platform to showcase her talent.

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