Motivation is what gets you started and it is habit what keeps a person going is what Rajalaxmi Behera believes, Mission Dreams virtual pageant participant

Motivation is what gets you started and it is habit what keeps a person going is what Rajalaxmi Behera believes, Mission Dreams virtual pageant participant

The ‘Mrs. India – Historic’ Pageant is the Pride and Treasure of India. The pageant is the most respectable title & award in India for Married Women. Mission Dreams Mrs India holds beauty pageant to identify Married Indian Women who exemplify Beauty, Talent, Intelligence & Compassion.

The Indian Woman in her lifetime plays many crucial roles that make her indispensable. A woman’s role as a mother goes beyond bearing and rearing children. She, being a wife is a husband’s confidante, a protector from the evil eye, someone who he could count on to share his trials and tribulations and help him get over the hurdles. Indian Women in the line of Entrepreneurship think of Business Enterprises, Operate them, Undertake Risks & handle Economic Uncertainties involved in running a Business Enterprise.

Mission Dreams Miss India Historic are Successful Married Women who strive to be self confident, graceful, elegant, charismatic and honorable in the representation of India at home and around the nation.

Rajalaxmi Behera, is a participant in the virtual beauty pageant organized by Mission Dreams. She is a mother to a 6 year old daughter who is her ultimate source of inspiration and happiness. She says “A prosperous, healthy & successful life filled with abundant love is all about a woman is obsessed with all the time. At the same time fostering talents in girls mostly depends on social environment which faces many hurdles post marriage. A journey of a woman has many folds and her interest gets stuck in many folders due to various reasons and I am not an exception. Amongst many interests like reading books, gardening, painting, dancing, my intense passion was in modelling”

Hailing from a middle class family with conservative thoughts barely gave her any scope for career in modelling. Even after getting recognitions during various competitions at her College level. Post marriage it was difficult to set priority for her own passion; When She started working to be Financially Independent. She had a strong desire in her to become a successful model during teenage and she often used to sense the desire still burning in her. Contrary to her obsessed thoughts, She became a Banker and with transition of life became a mother which somehow shifted her focus from modelling.

It is not so easy for a working lady to maintain balance at three fronts; work, family and personal goals. My ardent desire for fitness always keeps me going on and helped me become a strong contender in this quest, she added.

She thanks Mission Dreams for igniting the passion and giving this opportunity to fulfil her dreams. She adds, A successful career or we can say passion for any interest is what that every individual possesses, but accomplishment of that goal depends on your level of commitment and beyond that everything depends on your destiny. Of course, all the contestants here are worthy for the title and giving their best to outshine others, but I found myself not second to anyone. Winning this title would aggrandize the confidence in me and certainly I wish to carry the message to all common women that if your desire is strong and you strive hard for your goal, then success will be yours, sooner or later.

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