“Miss Pretty” Shubhangi- Mission Dreams Virtual Pageantry!!

“Miss Pretty” Shubhangi- Mission Dreams Virtual Pageantry!!

Shubhangi, unlike other girls she had dreams that were shattered at an early age due to the stereotypical society we live in. But, she came out to be someone who walked on the paths that was shown by her parents, but also kept her dreams alive within her. Waiting for the right opportunity to showcase her talent and passion, she participated the virtual pageantry that was organized by Mission Dreams. “Many young girls dream of being a princess with a glittering crown and a long, flowy gown. I was the same like any other girl but realized early on that dream my might not come true. I was a chubby and dark child and I underwent all the bullying and teasing that came along with it. Neither I was tall enough. I come from a family of studious people and I was one among them. I have always been encouraged to study and attain a position in career.”, she added. Shubhangi is a banker by profession at the post of Assistant Manager. It was difficult for her to convince her parents that she still wanted to live her dream and follow the passion, even after becoming a corporate professional. And as it is said, if you work hard and want something from the core, you achieve it because your belief lies in it, hence, she was able to successfully convince her parents after lot of hardships.

Participating in Mission Dreams is a life changing experience for her and she is proud for taking such a brave decision. “I was excited and nervous at the same time because this was very important for me. I performed the tasks with utmost grace and dedication and won the title of “Miss Pretty” . I am extremely overwhelmed and would like to thank Mission Dreams to continuously providing such great opportunities to the talented girls. I can not just stop without thanking my parents who have always been a constant support in my life. And yes now I can say that my little girl dream has now come true. But I still have to go far. Thank you to each and everyone who has been a part of my journey.”, she added.

Shubhangi hails from the City of Taj Mahal, Agra. Her journey began with being a little shy and introvert. This created a barrier for her but with time she started getting open and comfortable with the surrounding in order to grab more such opportunities. “After a long time suddenly while scrolling through my Instagram I came to know about Mission Dreams Miss India Historic 2021, and I immediately applied without giving any second thought. This pandemic has closed so many opportunities of offline pageantry but like we say whatever happens, happens for good and this MD Miss India Historic 2021 came with an opportunity of virtual pageant and opened doors for many women who dream of showcasing their talent.”, She added.

Shubhangi, a Banker by profession is working towards motivating and encouraging freshers in this field. She has her own little group and an organization where they focus on grooming young girls who dream for beauty pageantry’s, and often conduct competitive programs to uplift their morale. She is taking the responsibility for the crown she has won by giving back to the society in the same cause.

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