Mission Dreams Mr. Confident, Kushagra Jain

Mission Dreams Mr. Confident, Kushagra Jain

Kushagra Jain from Kota, Rajasthan is professionally a trainee pilot and currently under training in Florida, USA. Due to pandemic he had to fly back to India and he thought of giving a try for modelling and landed up winning the title. He says, other than what your career is, you should always do something that you love and you wanted to do since forever. Because when you do something we like, we give our 110% efforts, no matter we succeed or not, but we’ll always take a life time experience with us. And that’s priceless.

1. First off tell us how you were “discovered” and how your modeling career all started?

Answer: My modelling career started with mission dreams only. I discovered myself while participating here and to be honest, i enjoyed it a lot.

2. How would you describe your personal style, Where do you pull your inspiration from?

Answer: My personal style is what I feel the most confident in. I always believe in keep it up do date. By the way my style is very basic “BLACK” all my wardrobe is pretty much black! I tend to wear mostly formals when I am on duty otherwise I am comfortable wearing oversized cool t-shirts with sayings on then some black regular jeans. When I am feeling more fashion fashion, I tend to throw in a-bit of color e.g. have a bright colored pair of shoes, panda spirithood or have a shirt with tucked out with it. Talking about inspiration, I believe that the biggest inspiration is one’s own thoughts and so, I’m inspired by myself.

3.Do you have any hidden talents?

Answer: Well professionally, I’m a pilot, but apart from that I’m a business minded person and also I’m very good at marketing. And Honestly I am still searching for more!!!

4. Was modeling something you always wanted to do, or did it just kinda happen?

Answer: I liked modelling field, but I never tried it or took any step towards it. It just happened when I decided to take part in mission dreams. I’m a trainee pilot, I did my B.sc. in aviation from Mumbai and was pursuing my flying training in Florida, USA. I returned to India because of the pandemic. I wanted to try for modelling and pageants besides my studies and career, then I came to know about mission dreams, and I thought why not give it a try. I participated and won the title of Mr. Confident.

5. Give us 5 facts about you people may not know.

  1. Answer: 1. Before stepping into aviation, I was selected for Indian navy but I didn’t go for that due to some reason, 2. Whenever I’m hungry, I’m very angry., 3. I’m kinda emotional sometimes., 4. I like exploring and getting new exposures., 5. I love guns and shooting a lot.

6. How do you feel after winning the title?

Answer: I feel very happy and excited. I’m grateful to have won this title. I feel that I can do more in this field. It was a great experience, as we had to do several activities and present ourselves the best as we could. During this pageant I found another side of me and it’s amazing. Also the environment nowadays is full of negativity and anxiety, so indulging yourself in some other activities helps a lot in releasing the stress we’re all facing.

7. How has Mission Dreams helped you?

Answer: This was the first time I participated in a virtual pageant and nevertheless I enjoyed every bit of it. Coming from an aviation background this was something very different and new for me. I love experimenting and that was my first reason to participate here and today I am glad that I took the step! I am grateful that my efforts were recognized and I won Mr. Confident Title!. 7 days was a fun filled event and though it was a virtual pageantry but Mission Dreams ensured that it is as close to an offline pageant experience.

Fashion Feature