7 questions to Silbame G Momin , Finalist Mission Dreams Miss India 2020

7 questions to Silbame G Momin , Finalist Mission Dreams Miss India 2020

1.Do you want to be a celebrity or Public figure ?

Ans –I want to be a celebrity as well as public figure, i deserve both because being a celebrity or public figure i want to help others and show them those who didn’t believe there own dreams i want to tell them that you have to believe in the power of your own dreams and success their own dreams.

2. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Ans –I would like to describe myself in five words that iam a person who’s reveal by passion and strongly believe that was focus, hardwork, determination, positive attitude and confident about my dreams.

3. What makes you smile and what scares you the most?

Ans –When iam doing something or performence or talking with someone i always love to smile, because when im scares or nervous smile and confident is the best thing for me to remove all the nervous.

4. What would you like remembered about you?

Ans –When iam doing something i always remember that nothing in this world is impossible and i strongly believe, everything is creative twice first in our mind and then in reality.

5. Are you planning to be in any commercial movies?

Ans –Yes, i always dream and planning to do any commercial movie.

6. What’s the most special talent you have?

Ans –The most special talent that i have”YES ” i can do it anything and i always trying to get my best and make it happen.

7. Who inspired you and why ?

Ans –I really inspired from the others and the most important thing I’ll do when iam free i always trying to learn new things which iam not aware of everything everyone whoever is around me aspired me alot.

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