7 questions to Rahul Raju, Finalist Mission Dreams Mr India Historic 2021

7 questions to Rahul Raju, Finalist Mission Dreams Mr India Historic 2021

1.Do you want to be a celebrity or Public figure ?

Ans –Yes

2.How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Ans –Actor, motivational speaker, confident, Drawing artist and a fitness freak

3.What makes you smile and what scares you the most?

Ans –When I am acting,or being as a part of a drama helps me to be happy.
I scares the health issues which affect my fitness

4.What would you like remembered about you?

Ans –Iam a fitness freak and a sportsman including wrestling, cricket and table tennis. Earlier I want to be an Indian army officer.
I gave my all effort to crack NDA exam. During that I tore my ACL and PCL ligaments in my left knee during wrestling practice. I couldn’t even walk those days.By this injury I missed my SSB interview for NDA.
I undergone 2 surgeries to fix my knee. This incident completely shattered my dreams. I lost all my fitness gains.
Slowly i regained my health and found happiness when I am acting.
Iam well motivator to my friends.Because I prove that barriers are not barriers until we considered those things. Now I am chasing my dreams to be an actor and a model

5.Are you planning to be in any commercial movies?

Ans –Yes, I want to be an actor and a model.

6.What’s the most special talent you have?

Ans –I can motivate others during their rough times and I am a drawing artist and a sports person.

7. Who inspired you and why ?

Ans –My Mom.
Because during my injury time I felt so depressed.I lost all my gains.
My wish to become an Indian army officer became shattered.
But my mom encourage me to concentrate on my talents. Finally I found my acting skills. And she help me to return back to my fitness journey. She always stands for me.
She is a true motivator for me.

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