7 Questions to Raghavendra, Finalist Mission Dreams Mr India 2020

7 Questions to Raghavendra, Finalist Mission Dreams Mr India 2020

1 – Do you want to be a celebrity or Public figure ?

Ans – Yes, I want to.

2 – How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Ans – Fashionable, smart, helping, foody, healthy

3. What makes you smile and what scares you the most?

Ans – Walking in beach with bare foot to see sunset makes me smile, Scares me if by foot cut by sharp stone while walking in beach.

4. What would you like remembered about you?
Ans – Knowing the capacity about myself and what I can do alone itself.

5 – Are you planning to be in any commercial movies?
Ans – Honestly there is no plan right now, if the industry thinks I can fit there is no issue to make movie for me.

6 – What’s the most special talent you have?
Ans – Giving a topic in group debate, by that I can learning everyone’s experience and point of view.

7 – Who inspired you and why ?
Ans – Dr.Abdul Kalam is my inspiring personality which make me inspire on leadership and feature thinking for better humanity

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